Temporary job : Getting ready for an interview

Aside from the conventional advice given to any candidate before an interview (arrive early, allow enough time for any tests, describe your goals honestly, know your availability, prepare several questions, provide thanks in writing), it is important to reflect on the issues specific to a temporary job. To avoid feeling trapped on D-day, take inspiration from a young graduate and a mother of a family to prepare for your interview effectively.

Young graduate, seeking a variety of experiences 

Do you prefer a long or short term contract ?  

At the moment, I would rather obtain short term contracts to be able to work at particular times of the year.

Is a temporary contract appropriate for your situation ?  

A temporary job is exactly what I need right now. I have just entered the labour market and I am trying to invest in myself in different types of businesses to get an idea to focus my search for a permanent job in the path that I will choose.

Would you be interested in a permanent position ? 

I’m not against it, but it will depend on the position and the company. I would like, as a priority, to develop a variety of skills and to discover different environments through temporary work. But if an attractive offer were to present itself in a temporary position, I’m ready to study it.

How available are you ? 

I am readily available at the moment. So I can work whatever days and times the contract requires.

What interests are you seeking in a temporary job ? 

As a recent graduate, I don’t have a lot of professional experience. Working through a temporary agency will let me acquire a variety of experiences and help me to make an enlightened choice on which direction I want to invest in myself.

Do you have the right personality to work in a temporary job ? 

I believe so. I don’t particularly want to work in the same place for a long time. I would really rather have different experiences both in relation to the work environment and the field, and temporary work lets me do that.

Would you accept different schedules ?

Altogether. I have no family constraints and I can afford schedules that vary from one week to another and don’t have to work from 9 to 5.

What would be the ideal co-worker in your opinion ? 

I am a very enthusiastic person and I love to work with highly motivated people, who “make it their business” and love what they are doing.  

The mother of a family who appreciates flexibility *voir la formulation de cette phrase * 


Do you prefer a long or short term contract ?  

I am open to both short term and long term. The main thing for me is to be able to be on the job and improve my skills.

Is a temporary contract appropriate for your situation ?  

A temporary job suits me perfectly at the moment. My husband’s job obliges us to move regularly. So a temporary contract is the solution to let me always be busy without a long term commitment. 

Would you be interested in a permanent position ?

At the moment, temporary work is what suits me best given my family situation. My husband will be called on to travel extensively for the next few years and I don’t want to commit to a company for the long term.

How available are you ? 

Having responsibility for a family with 3 children, I am available every day of the week from Monday to Friday during school hours, from 9 am to 3 pm. However, during the summer holidays my schedule is much more flexible, since I have solutions for taking care of my children.

What interests are you seeking in a temporary job ? 

As a mother, I appreciate the flexibility of temporary work. I can adjust to my children’s schedule during the school year, choose whether to work during the summer, since I can take advantage of a daycare system, and stay home with them during Christmas holidays and spring break.

Do you have the right personality to work in a temporary job ? 

Yes, I would really prefer to develop in a variety of working environments, to understand and adapt to different procedures than to work in the same place for months and months.

Would you accept different schedules ?

In fact, I really need to work during office hours so I can look after my children and an elderly family member who needs me to be with them regularly.

What would be the ideal co-worker in your opinion ? 

I’m pretty discrete about my family life and don’t like to get very involved with my co-worker’s life. Basically, I like to work with people who are involved in their work that I can share common interests with without having to “unload” my private life.

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