When You Are Asked to Keep a Seat Warm…

Are you considering accepting a temporary job to replace someone on parental leave? More and more workers are choosing this option as a gateway to a permanent position, or to try out a new stimulating experience. But is it for everyone? What attitude should be adopted when your hopes of staying on go up in smoke? Temporary job expectations, here are what to expect…

Accept getting out of your comfort zone
Élise (fictional name) is an independent journalist who made the leap into business to get out of her comfort zone. After several years as a self-employed worker, she decided to accept a temporary job in a large media company. The loneliness began to weigh on her. “I was bored in an office atmosphere and having the same colleagues every day,” she says. This temporary job, replacing someone on maternity leave, seemed an ideal opportunity to check her interest in rejoining the world of employees… without getting too committed.

Creating links, despite being temporary?
When you are on the job as a replacement, how does integration happen in a new team? What to expect from a temporary job? Does the ghost of the former employee stick to us? “It is a little harder to create meaningful links when colleagues know that we won’t be there very long,” Élise admits. The journalist felt that she was appreciated, but that she still had to be discreet. Without being in a continual climate of comparison, the name of the former employee and her working methods were nonetheless a constant topic of conversation.

The same goes for Florence (fictional name), a young notary at the beginning of her career. “It is not uncommon for us to be implicitly reminded that we are only replacing someone, and often, since this person has a lot more experience, the implication is that she would probably have known or done things differently,” she says.

Performance hemmed in and compared
As a “substitute”, Élise admits to having felt much more pressure than when she was working as a freelancer. “Especially when the person being replaced is considered as a reference in the field,” she says. She found it difficult to have to put herself in the shoes of another person that quickly, and felt that expectations about her were high. However, the journalist also felt recognition when she delivered the goods. Initially very confident in her new workplace, Élise confides that over the months the pressure has become greater, until she no longer feels up to it. Then, the closer the end of her contract approached the more comfortable she became, because she would find “freedom” at last… In retrospect, this work experience let her acquire new knowledge and realize that she was not really made for the traditional 9 to 5 schedule.

Loyalty above all… or despite everything?
Even though she knew that her contract would not be extended, Élise did not continue searching for a job during her mandate. She decided to dedicate herself to her temporary position, giving the best of herself to devote her experience 100% to the company. She wanted to be loyal to her employer and take advantage of the opportunity despite how temporary the situation was. Now that her contract has terminated, she feels ready to start again and return to the freelance world. She admits, however, to having some regrets in turning down some interesting contracts during this period.

To sum up, accepting a temporary work experience to get out of your comfort zone is never a waste of time. It can even be an important springboard in your professional career. However, be sure that you are clear about your intentions, have a great ability for adaptation and total confidence in your skills so that it is a pleasant experience for all!


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