Seniors part time work : Undeniable assets

Seniors part time work. The labour market is changing. Part-time work is no longer just for students and women. For the last few years, whether for financial reasons or for the love of work, those sixty and over have been pushing back the age to retire. And often, they choose part time work.

The Canadian population is ageing. The result is that many sectors are experiencing employment shortages. Many companies are making considerable efforts to retain their employees who are over sixty years old. While not long ago they were not very popular with employers, today they are being sought out more and more.

Seniors part time work: Undeniable assets

Seniors are an experienced, loyal and disciplined workforce. In industries such as construction, the technical professions or retail, where the lack of qualified employees is critical and putting business growth in peril, these experts are a gold mine. In Canada, the Rona, Home Depot and Canadian Tire chains have fully understood this and offer positions as consultants or specialist clerks in priority to seniors. The same trend is happening at Walmart, which took 9th place among the best Canadian employers for workers 50 years old or more. Seniors also can transmit their skills and train new employees. They can thus help to retain expertise within a company.

In addition, these older workers are often more open to flexible or part-time schedules. From a financial point of view, a part-time employee costs a company much less than a full-time employee.

Why choose part time?

Seniors part time work is more common. Most seniors who have reached retirement age keep working for financial reasons, either to avoid drawing on their savings or because their retirement income is inadequate for their needs. When you are not able to find full time work, some will have to juggle several jobs to secure a decent income. But money is not the only motivation. Far from it.

For many of them, working is an excellent way to remain socially active. With today’s longer life expectancy, why would you not keep working if you are still fit and healthy? For some people, retirement can be synonymous with boredom and routine. Many people feel rejected when they stop working.

The pleasure and satisfaction of being useful, achieving, sharing and participating in society – aren’t they what’s at the very heart of work? By holding a position for several days a week, these active seniors have the best of both worlds – having free time while continuing to build social links and earning extra income.







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